LZQ TOOL CO., LTD. +86-021-50327060
LZQ TOOL CO., LTD. zq@lzqtech.com
LZQ Tools

Diamond ball burr Spinal bur diamond round Neurospine spinal bur diamond round

Diamond ball burr Spinal bur diamond round Neurospine spinal bur diamond round
Rhinoplasty instruments set being used for cosmetic and plastic surgery of the nose. Rhinoplasty instruments set 
also helps to overcome sinus surgery around the nose. Rhinoplasty instruments set also joined in nasal surgery, 
nose reshaping and reconstructive surgery. You would get rhinoplasty instruments set with having good quality 
on-time delivery and very competitive prices. Some common rhinoplasty instruments are elevators, hammers, 
hand retractors, nasal raspatories with T.C tip, and without Tungsten carbide tip, hooks, scalpels and handles, 
needle holders, supercut scissors with micro serrations, scissors, and many more. 

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